Wireworld Mini Eclipse 8 Biwire Speaker Cable

7101 430

Mini Eclipse 8 is a small flexible cable with a rich dynamic sound that improves the fidelity of studio monitors as well as custom installations. Ideal for listeners who want a reference quality cable suitable for concealment, internal wiring or any speakers that demand the superb articulation of the DNA Helix design and OCC-7N copper conductors.

7101 430
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SKU: SWWMEB Category:
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13 AWG / 2,5 mm²
OCC-7N Copper conductors
Quad DNA Helix Design
Composilex 3 insulation
Gold/Silver/OFC spades/bananas/SpeakON


2.0 m, 2.5 m, 3.0 m, 5.0 m, 6.0 m